Setelah 35 Tahun HILANG, DOMPET ini KEMBALI kepada Pemiliknya

Seorang pria bertemu kembali dengan dompetnya yang telah dicuri 35 tahun silam. Meski sempat dicuri, tapi isi dompet tersebut masih lengkap.

Richard Lane sempat berpikir kalau ia tidak akan pernah menemukan lagi dompetnya yang telah dicuri 35 tahun silam.

Namun seorang pekerja bangunan yang saat itu sedang membangun pusat hiburan di St Ives, Chambs, Inggris ini menemukan kembali dompetnya yang hilang lengkap dengan barang-barang yang ada di dalamnya seperti, kartu izin mengemudi, kartu keanggotaan serikat pekerja, dan kartu rencana pembayaran untuk TV.

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Pekerja bangunan itu langsung mengirimkan dompet tersebut ke rumah Richard di Evesham, Worcestershire, Inggris.

Richard mengatakan bahwa ia sunguh takjub dan tak percaya kalau dompet itu dapat kembali kepadanya. “Sangat menakjubkan, dompet itu bisa ditemukan,” ungkapnya. Demikian seperti diberitakan Mirror, Kamis (11/4/2013).

"Sepertinya seseorang telah mengambil uang dari dompet itu, kemudian melemparkannya ke dalam lahan konstruksi bangunan tersebut," tambahnya.

Richard Lane lost his wallet at a leisure centre in 1978 and has finally had it returned to him after 35 years

Only £15 was missing from the wallet, which was found containing Richard Lane's driving licence and leisure centre card

Lost: The brown leather wallet belonging to a Mr Richard Lane which was found after 35 years inside a wall cavity in St Ives, Cambridgeshire. The original owner has not been located

Lost in time: A membership card for the leisure centre belonging to a 'Mr R M Lane' which expired in March 1978 that was found in the wallet 

Discovered: The out of date member card says on the back of it 'if found, returned (sic) to reception' 
Wallet: A paper driving licence belonging to Richard Lane which was found inside the wallet. Despite being in the wall for 35 years, it is still valid and contains details of a £20 fine for an offence committed on August 8, 1975 
Purchases: An invoice for items bought in Dixons in July 1977 for a total of £22.22Invoices: A series of cash payments made for goods in 1976 and 1977. The payments stop in September 1977, which is presumably around the time the wallet was lost 

Payment received: Another one of the documents found. Despite the builders' best efforts, they have been unable to trace the owner of the wallet

Find: Builder David Tweed, 45, with the wallet at the spot where workmen found it while working on a £4million redevelopment of the leisure centre 

Building site: The Leisure centre in St Ives where the wallet was found as it undergoes a £4million redevelopment 

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