Mantan Polisi ini Bikin Robot yang Terbuat dari Perkakas Rumah Tangga

Seorang mantan polisi di Amerika Serikat (AS) membangun sebuah humanoid (robot seperti manusia) dari berbagai jenis peralatan tumah tangga. Adalah Mark Haywood yang menciptakan humanoid bernama HEX.

Disadur DamnGeeky, Senin (13/5/2013), robot ini unik karena terbuat dari sebuah kipas angin elektrik, penggorengan, dan speaker radio tua serta DVD Player. HEX memiliki empat kaki yang terbuat dari speaker outdoor. Sedangkan, tubuhnya dari DVD Player.

Sementara, bahu robot ini terbuat dari kipas listrik dan kepala HEX terbuat dari radio kuno. Untuk menambah lengan dan bahunya, Haywood menggunakan tangan tiga dimensi (3D) agar terlihat lebih artistik serta modern.

Meski tidak sebaik seperti robot Honda ASIMO atau robot-robot lainnya, namun HEX menerapkan teknologi yang cukup rumit dan canggih. Bagian tubuhnya bahkan dapat dikendalikan dengan remote melalui laptop yang terhubung dengan Zigbee USB dogle.

HEX dapat bekerja stabil pada suhu ruangan 23 derajat celcius dan memiliki tangan penuh fungsional. Ia dapat berjalan dengan baik dan mengangkat barang ringan.

All the major components used to build HEX were sourced from ex-police officer Mark Haywood's home.

Former Baltimore cop, Mark Haygood and his robot HEX, which he made by recycling electrical equipment.

HEX is four foot, three inches tall and weighs 50 pounds. Haygood fell in love with robots at a young age. "I grew up very poor in Baltimore and every Christmas my mother used to purchase toy robots for me -- the kind that shuffled across the floor, spun around with lights flashing. I thought they were the most marvelous things on the planet," he says. 

His feet are made from cooking trays and his legs were built using hi-fi speakers.  

An old clock radio has been hacked to create his head.  

The camera situated inside HEX's head will be wired up in the next phase of the project, Haygood says. "I'm trying to build a machine which is inexpensive so that it can be readily available for high-school age kids."  

HEXs hands were a combination of the <a href='' target='_blank'>Inmoov </a>open source design and his own artistic expression, says Haygood.  

HEX meets "R2-D2" at a recent Robofest event. Haygood hopes to inspire kids in Baltimore to build robots.  

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