Grand Warden Hero Baru di Game Clash of Clans

Grand Warden Hero Baru di Game Clash of Clans kali ini admin Jagat Clash of Clans informasikan untuk anda, setelah menebak nebak hero yang akan muncul pada update clash of clans bulan Desember 2015 ini, pada akhirnya Supercell mengumumkannya, dibawah ini adalah gambar penampakan hero terbaru dari game CoC tersebut.

Dan mengenai profile Hero Grand Warden tersebut bisa kalian baca di bawah ini

1. The new Hero will be called Grand Warden. This veteran battle-scholar seeks out groups of friendly troops to fight behind and boost with his Life Aura and assumes the form of a tower on defense. Attacking, he can walk over Walls or fly high and can make nearby troops immune to damage once his Eternal Tome ability is unlocked. You can unlock him at Town Hall 11.
 -  Life Aura (passive): Increase the HP for all troops within the aura ring.
 -   Eternal Tome (ability): Troops within his aura are temporarily invulnerable, including him!

2. The maximum level of Grand Warden is 20. Upgrading him will cost Elixir (not Dark Elixir).
3. He can be used on the Ground or in the Air. He can be hit by Air Defense, Air Bomb and Seeking Air Mine when he is flying.

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