Inilah TH8 Untuk Farming Base dan Dark Elixir Protection
Inilah TH8 Untuk Farming Base dan Dark Elixir Protection kali ini admin Jagat Clash of Clans informasikan untuk anda, seperti yang saya kutip dari site, game coc sudah menjadi game paling populer didunia, banyak sekali orang yang tertarik untuk memainkannya. Nah bagi kalian yang sudah mencapai Town Hall 8, tentunya ingin basenya kuat dan anti maling, untuk itu dibawah ini adalah alternatif farming base TH8 untuk menjaga dark elixir dan serangan udara. Kalian bisa mencontohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Baca juga: Tips Menyerang Menggunakan Hog dan Healer
TH8 Farming Base – Airdrop – Features
Demikianlah informasi mengenai TH8 Untuk Farming Base dan Dark Elixir Protection. Nantikan update seputar base layout coc untuk Town Hall lainnya. Selamat bermain
Baca juga: Tips Menyerang Menggunakan Hog dan Healer
TH8 Farming Base – Airdrop – Features
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- Easy-to-get-shield: This base can easily attract weak attackers to raid Collectors and Mines around the base. They can destroy at least 30% of your base and give you 12 hour shield.
- Well balanced protection for Gold and Elixir Storages. Each Storage is located in individual compartment and protected by all types of defense.
- Dark Elixir Storage is located at the safest place. The enemy AQ can’t get the DE Storage until she breaks the Town Hall’s compartment.
- Anti-Giants/Hogs/Balloons: The outer defensive ring of this base can stop any Giants/Hogs and Balloons attack. They will go around the base, trigger Giant Bombs, Spring Traps and Air Bombs. It also can easily stop any Giant-Healer attack since the inside Air Defenses protect the outer ring. Also, because of the distance between defenses, instead of breaking into the core, Hogs and Balloons will always travel around the base.
- Anti-Dragon: Three-cornered Air Defenses can make sure that you will not get bullied by Dragons. They will be separated and go around the base.
- Anti-Wall Breaker: WBs just can’t open more than 1 compartments at a time because of the T-Junctions around the base.
- Semi-centralized Town Hall and Clan Castle.
Demikianlah informasi mengenai TH8 Untuk Farming Base dan Dark Elixir Protection. Nantikan update seputar base layout coc untuk Town Hall lainnya. Selamat bermain
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