GOKIL...Seekor Angsa Kacaukan Lalu Lintas Skotlandia

Lalu lintas jalan tol di Skotlandia mengalami kemacetan yang diakibatkan oleh seekor angsa yang berkeliaran di tengah-tengah jalan tol.

Seekor angsa putih mendarat di jalan tol Linlithgow, West Lothian, Skotlandia. Angsa ini berhenti di depan pengendara mobil di M9 pada jam sibuk, sehingga lalu lintas jalan tol tersebut sempat terhenti.

Petugas keamanan hewan Skotlandia atau yang biasa dikenal dengan SPCA, Connie O'Neil dipanggil ke tempat kejadian untuk menangkap angsa liar itu.

Seperti diberitakan Daily Record, Jumat (10/5/2013), angsa itu diyakini merupakan angsa yang sedang tersesat dan terbang sampai ke jalan tol.

"Untungnya, saya bisa menyelamatkan dia sebelum membahayakan orang lain,” kata O’Neil. (faj)

In a bit of a jam: The confused swan waddled down the middle of the M9 motorway during the morning rush hour today after losing its way in thick fog

Bizarre scene: Cars were left queuing up behind the swan, which wandered around the carriageway for around 30 minutes before it was eventually rescued

Queues: Drivers stuck in traffic watched as Scottish SPCA officer Connie O'Neill gathered up the swan and carried it across the carriageway to safety

Rescue: The Scottish SPCA was called to the scene where the swan caused traffic chaos on the motorway at rush hour 

Operation: When animal protection officers arrived the swan had waddled onto the central reservation

All in a flap: The swan darted back onto the motorway when officers tried to catch it, but they managed to shoo the bird onto the embankment

Lost: Connie O'Neill captured the swan and released it back in to the waters of Linlithgow Loch in Scotland

Safe and sound: The officer said the woman who reported the swan on the motorway cried with relief upon learning it had been rescued

sumber | wowunic.blogspot.com | http://international.okezone.com/read/2013/05/10/214/804894/seekor-angsa-kacaukan-lalu-lintas-skotlandia

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